• I trying to create a one-page scroll website in WordPress, where clicking on navigation links should smoothly scroll to the corresponding sections on the same page. When the first click it works correctly but subsequent clicks scroll to the top of the page, please help with this issue.

    I have try use plugin for this feature, but always face the same issue

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I trying to create a one-page scroll website in WordPress,

    How exactly are you “trying” to do this?

    I have try use plugin for this feature, but always face the same issue

    If every plugin is failing for you, could this build down to a user implementation error?

    In any case, as this is not a built-in feature of WordPress, you’ll need to consult the documentation and support of the particular plugin you’re using for help.

    If you can mention what plugin you’re using, I could point you in the right direction to get help.

    Good luck!

    @noplahopla31 – Hi, I am not sure if you managed to fix the issue. I clicked the top menu items and it seems to go to the correct section with a smooth scroll.

    If I scroll back to the top, and click the link again, it goes back correctly to the same intended section. If you are seeing a different behavior, please share the exact steps to replicate the issue.

    Suggestion: Since the site involves a lot of scroll, it would be nice to have a Back to top link or a button at the bottom of each section that takes a user back to the top menu. Another option is to have a sticky menu.

    Thread Starter noplahopla31


    The scroll page issue exists when I activate the Sticky Header Effects for Elementor plugin or other sticky header plugin.

    On the first click, it directs to the correct ID section. But, on the 2nd click or click another menu it will go to the incorrect target section/ID.

    So when I want to go to the correct ID, I need to go to the top of the page before I click the other menu.

    Please help 🥹

    The site seems to be using the Elementor Page builder. If you are using their free version, you may ask on their specific forum here. If you are using a commercial ( paid ) version, you can check their support options here

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