• Resolved entropiabr


    Hello, greetings from Brazil!

    I put together the instructions for offline donation using the text editor, with images and everything. On the computer it looks great, but there are still some problems with links and some tools. On a cell phone, the instruction does not adjust to the screen. Texts and images extend beyond the screen size. While the form part adjusts normally. Only in the offline donation instructions option. Can you do a test and see what’s going on, please?

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  • Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi @entropiabr,

    I ran some tests on my local site but I could not reproduce the issue.

    Depending on the content you added you might need to use custom CSS to adjust it for small screens. Do you have a link where we can see your form in action?

    Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi there,

    Just following up. Did you still need help here?
    I’m happy to help and look into this further for you.

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