• Hello, tell me how you can set the background color of blog entries in the theme OceanWP !? Just for widgets, I found and put the background color https://yadi.sk/i/7BuPs_xsjY_jbw, but I can’t find it for the blog, tell me how to implement it!? I tried to go to the address “Settings ▸ Blog ▸ Blog entries” but there is nothing on the choice of color!?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by slypro.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 15 replies - 76 through 90 (of 103 total)
  • Do you want an underline on menu hover? If yes, then go to Customize > Header > Menu section and select hover effect as underline.

    Thread Starter slypro


    Yes, in the top menu I did it! But the bottom menu does not work?

    I didn’t see the top menu on your site. The effect is only for the main menu, not for the footer menu.

    Thread Starter slypro


    Well, okay, okay!
    Tell me, can I somehow add an new icons to the top line “http://prntscr.com/opgck9” where will be indicated the number of views of the article itself and social network? Like for example here: http://prntscr.com/opgaln

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.

    1. You need to use plugin – post view count to add it. After that edit the oceanwp > partials > entry > meta.php file using the oceanwp child theme to do it. Do the same process for the single post template.

    Thread Starter slypro


    Ok, but there are a lot of plugins, what do you recommend?

    There is no specific plugin. You need to check all the plugins.

    Thread Starter slypro


    Hello, tell me if there is an opportunity opposite the rubrics to display the number of records that they contain http://prntscr.com/osqs8b?

    Thread Starter slypro


    Sorry with the question, I hurried … in the end, managed to do it yourself!

    But I can not find a solution to this question… Tell me, is there any way to get rid of excess in the url! I have one rubric that contains many subrubrics. Is it possible to make this rubric not appear when opening its subrubrics and their entries, like this: http://prntscr.com/ot3ptt

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.


    We only help with the issue which is related to OceanWP. Issues related to third party plugin and custom code supports are out of the scope of the support.

    I didn’t understand by ‘rubric ‘. Is it a custom post type?

    Thread Starter slypro


    You see, I’m a beginner, I just don’t know what this applies to, your topic or WordPress itself. I just wanted to make the URL understandable, but not long. I just saw a lot of articles in which they talk about additional codes in the topics themselves, which can exclude subtopics from the url, but it’s hard for me to figure it out.

    And I wanted to ask you about a plugin for automatic publication on social networks, maybe you have them !?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by slypro.
    Amit Singh


    You can try this plugin to automatically share the posts on social platforms – https://wordpress.org/plugins/blog2social/

    Thread Starter slypro


    Thank you very much, we will try!

    I also wanted to ask you, maybe you know a simpler solution … I plan to put a widget where the pictures with links will change, but I can’t figure out how to do this correctly? For example, let’s say 5-6 pictures, each has an individual link, and the pictures change after 25-30 seconds … One appeared with her link, after 25-30 seconds another other with her link appeared in her place, and the main thing is that when clicked, there was a transition immediately!
    Found a script:

    <script language = "JavaScript">
    <! -
    var a = Math.round (Math.random () * 3)
    image = new Array ();
    image [0] = "image address"
    image [1] = "image address"
    image [2] = "image address"
    document.write ("<img src =" + image [a] + ">");
    // ->

    I tried to embed HTML in the side widget, it works but there are two minuses … that the pictures change only when the page is refreshed, but would like that in 25-30 seconds, and there are no links to them, but would like to was click and go!
    Please tell me whether it is possible to fix the script somehow or to do something else, but the main thing is that all work! Thank you!

    Amit Singh


    You can use a slider plugin like smart slider 3 to do this. We don’t provide custom code support so you need to consult with a developer if you want to do it using the code.

    Thread Starter slypro


    Ok, i’m try!
    I wanted to ask you about the titles in of entries and headings! Is it possible to remove superfluous words “Archives”, “Name of the site itself” in the heading, so that only the name of the heading or entry is displayed http://prntscr.com/oxeh6r!?

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