• Resolved decard


    hi guys

    i give up: how do i create a question taht has ranked numbered responses, eg 1,2,3..; or, indeed, a version of that that allows for duplicate responses, eg 1,2,2,3…

    if i feel rich after getting my Age Pension tonight, i may even ug to Pro 😉 (feel free to give me discount ;-))

    kind regards


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  • Thread Starter decard


    … OR, other ranking eg scoring out of 10; or A,B,C …

    Plugin Author YOP


    Hey Dec

    If I understand the specs correctly, it may require pro version.

    Can you contact us on our website so we can setup a demo for you?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter decard


    PS off topic, i was going to ug to Pro/3, but the $US is just too expensive. it is almost double the $A now, and yhat almost $A60 out of my age pension.

    Plugin Author YOP



    We have a new pro version in the making and we could use some help with testing and getting feedback.

    If you are interested, please contact us on our website.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter decard


    hi there

    you can cope with constructive criticism/suggestions?

    but, i must say, as a prolofic daily user of software, and a Web systems and UI designer for 20 years (so well after i worked for the ABS in Surveys), your app is one of the better designed UI i have seen.

    of course it is, you could say, a low bar. so many examples of appalling apps and Web sites.

    kind regards

    Plugin Author YOP



    you can cope with constructive criticism/suggestions?

    For sure we can. The goal is to improve the product so any suggestions are much appreciated.

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