• Resolved mooresites


    Good morning. I know there have been some weirdness with things over the last week or two, but I’m still having issues. The site linked, for instance, will allow to add to cart, but never shows the options for extra fields. Then, it shows the required list. You can test it at https://www.bluesc.com/product/blue-suede-cruise-registration/ to see what I mean. I rolled back, but it gave an error. Thanks for working hard on the fix – great plugin!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter mooresites


    Sorry, I had to disable (registrations needed to be processes). Is there a thread on any fixes coming down the pike I can subscribe to?

    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hi @mooresites,

    Thank you for using PPOM!

    Can you kindly confirm that you are using the latest version of the plugin – PPOM free – 32.0.12?

    There was indeed a problem regarding the fields not being displayed, but it has been addressed in the latest version.

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter mooresites


    Apologies for delay. I have tried with the newest .12 version as well as the .11 roll back. I have it active now to show at https://www.bluesc.com/product/blue-suede-cruise-registration/ if you’d like to see. Perhaps an Avada Theme issue?

    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hey @mooresites,

    Can you please deactivate all plugins and check if it resolves your issue? After that, try activating the plugins one by one to find the problematic ones. Then replace it with an alternate plugin.

    Also, you can try switching to a WP default theme to see if the issue persists.

    Thread Starter mooresites


    Thans, Andrea, I tried with all but WooCommerce deactivated and same issue. It may be an Avada issue now – is there any way to get the .10 plugin version back? Seems that one worked . . . until I can get with Avada to report? I’m not sure what’s up. Thanks for your help!

    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hey @mooresites,

    Here is a guide that explains how to rollback your plugin – https://docs.themeisle.com/article/744-how-to-rollback-your-theme-and-plugin#previous-plugin.

    Let us know if you have any more questions!

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter mooresites


    aaah, thanks – my mind assumed it was a single roll back, sorry! I bumped back to .9 and all is well. Will check on the next version to see if anything changes. Thanks!

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