• Resolved lananas1



    When I create a user manually from wp-admin and check ‘Send User Notification’ it works great and sends the user an email to set their password as expected.

    However, when I use Zapier integration to create a user, it creates the user all fine including checking the ‘Send User Notifiaction checkbox, however this email isn’t sending.

    How can the notification for new user be sent when created via zapier?


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  • Plugin Author bnfw


    Hi @lananas1,
    Thanks for your message.

    It sounds like an issue with how the user is created with the WP REST API.
    How are you creating the user using Zapier?

    Thread Starter lananas1


    Thanks for getting back to me @voltronik – yes, using Zapier.

    Using the Zapier event ‘Create User’ in wordpress when a new form is submitted in formstack.

    Plugin Author bnfw


    Hi @lananas1,
    Thanks for clarifying.

    I’m not sure how best to go about troubleshooting this.
    You may need to get in touch with Zapier instead as it sounds like how they’re creating the user isn’t quite right. They may need to update their integration or they might be able to suggestion another way of sending the data via the WP REST API, which should work with BNFW. They may also be able to suggest a way of checking thte logs to see what the response is.
    BNFW does work with the WP REST API, as it’s crucial to how the Block Editor works and how that triggers notifications with BNFW, so I’m going off the idea that Zapier is the issue here.

    Let me know how you get on with them?

    Did you ever find a solution for this @lananas1

    I’m having the same issue.

    If I use “New User Registration – For User” notification they don’t get the email but I’ve found using “New User – Post-registration email” works but doesn’t include the password or the password set-up url.

    Even when I set the password within Zapier manually it doesn’t work.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter lananas1


    Hi Scott, yes I did – it’s a limitation with the wordpress api.

    You can get around it by adding the following to your functions.php file

    function mynamespace_user_update($user, $request, $create)
      $user_id = $user->ID;
    add_action( 'rest_insert_user', 'mynamespace_user_update', 12, 3 );


    Massively appreciate that!

    @lananas1 I’ve added that code but still can’t seem to get the emails to trigger. Which notification are you using?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by scottgunn1.

    This is what I have setup by the way:

    Using the “New User Registration – For User”

    Hello [email_user_firstname],

    Welcome to The Lifestyle Lab, please see below your username and a link to set your password:

    Your Username: [user_login]
    Your Password: [password]

    You can access our members hub via the link here

    We look forward to seeing you inside.


    The Lifestyle Lab Team`

    Plugin Author bnfw


    Hi @lananas1,
    Thanks for sharing your solution – glad you now have it working 🙂

    @voltronik are you able to assist with this issue at all? The provided code from @lananas1 did not work for me.

    Plugin Author bnfw


    Hi @scottgunn1,
    It’s possible @lananas1 can help more. As it seems to be a specific issue with Zapier + WP REST API, it’s difficult for me to be able to troubleshoot or provide support for this particular scenario unfortuantely.

    Thread Starter lananas1


    Hi @scottgunn1 , putting that code in my functions.php worked for me.


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