• Resolved dpcdpc11


    after installing the latest version of your plugin this thing keeps popping out:
    Facebook AWD is almost ready… Go to settings and set a FB app Id (Notification from Facebook AWD)
    What in the world is this and how can I make it disappear??
    What does this plugin has to do with facebook apps? It doesn’t make any sense! Please fix this useless notification or I’ll have to replace this plugin with another one!

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  • this is saying you need to add your Facebook Application ID into the settings for Facebook AWD. https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    This plugin need Facebook application ID because he use SDK API php and JS.

    An application ID must be set in the application settings.
    1. to allow you to manage your comments (fb comments)
    2. to specify API ID in Open Graph module.
    3. To work in FB connect module.

    So YES the app ID is requiered, If you use facebook socials plugins without application, i can’t understand what is the interest in using it.
    Simply because if you have’nt App IP, you can’t manage comments on facebook app desktop.
    you can’t have any feedback from Facebook on who are liking your content and more…

    This is a basic to work with facebook and with this plugin too.
    Create an application on facebook take 2 minutes…

    The notification come from function php missing_config() on line 98 in AWD_facebook.php

    //error from open Graph ID application
    		if($this->plugin_option['app_id'] == '' && $this->plugin_option['admins'] ==''){
    			<div class="error">
    				<p><?php printf( __('Facebook AWD is almost ready... Go to settings and set a FB app Id (Notification from Facebook AWD)', $this->plugin_text_domain), admin_url( 'admin.php?page='.$this->plugin_slug)); ?></p>

    If you want to remove notification from Facebook AWD without submit an app id, simply add at least an admin id (your fb id) in settings plugins. OR comments lines php in function
    If you won’t use that, the content shared on facebook by like button and shared will be not owned by you… so you will do socials in the wind…

    And PLEASE, do not forget that my work is free… so if you want change your plugin, you can…
    But i’m not sure other plugins can use same special features…
    And fast support too… 😉

    New version V0.

    Thread Starter dpcdpc11


    Dude… I’m not complaining about ur plugin… it’s just that this notification only poped up since upgrading to the latest version.
    All I want from this plugin is the facebook like button, nothing else.
    So of course the notification is annoying since I’m not interested to use that feature.
    Guess I’m gonna use some other plugin just for that.

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    So yes, if you use just like button, without openGraph, i think you should use a simple solution.

    But you should planify to enable openGraph module to your site.
    With like button and openGraph you Site will have a real social impact.

    And feedback and redirect from facebook to your site will be better.
    Better conversion and more visits.


    Don’t understand how you create a facebook application. Does this require entering code?

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    @nycron i answered you on your other post.

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