• Hi. Love your work.
    Im having difficulty, removing billing address from the “Processing order” template. So I had wordpress make a template copy for me in my child theme and I have altered the template which should overwrite the current one.

    But no matter what I do, your plugin does not see the new changes. I guess it keeps seeing the parent one residing in the woocommerce original folder.

    What can I do? I cleared all the cache and everything.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • hannah


    Try adding this to your custom css box in the Custom Styles tab:

    .email-id-customer_processing_order table#addresses {
        display: none;

    Does that work for you?


    Thread Starter zcoder


    Hi. thanks for the quick response. But if i use CSS, that will have no effect on the actual email. CSS is only good while im viewing it on the site, doesn’t it?

    Any idea, why the plugin is not using the child theme files of woocommerce?

    Hey @zcoder
    If you override the template in your child theme that would override this plugin. The address part of the email is not located in the customer-processing-order.php template. There is just a hook there for it. Can you send me an email of what you are seeing and a copy of the template and how you’ve edited it.



    Also in regards to css, it would effect the email.


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