• Resolved fidoboy


    After the last update from yesterday the plugin stopped working and my default featured image was deleted.

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  • Plugin Author Jan-Willem


    Hi Fidoboy,

    Tomorrow I already planned some time for maintenance. So I can investigate this.

    Can you give me some more detail.

    1. What did you update? WordPress (6.2), of the Default featured image plugin? DFI had it’s last update in may-2022
    2. How was it deleted? Was it just unset form the media settings?
      Or was the image deleted from the media library?
    3. Do you use any page builders? Or any plugins that might interfere with images in general?

    Let me know so I have a better idea what to look for.


    Plugin Author Jan-Willem


    I tried the following.

    1. Installed a new WP 6.0 site with twentytwentytwo and the DFI plugin
    2. I set a Default featured image in the settings.
    3. Created 4 posts, 2 with a featured image.
    4. Tested, all images are shown as expected
    5. Updated to WP 6.2
    6. Tested, all images are shown as expected
    7. Switched theme to twentytwentythree,
    8. Tested, all images are shown as expected

    If you can answer the previous questions I can take another look.


    Thread Starter fidoboy


    It’s very weird. I’m using tagDiv Newspaper theme if it helps. Was working with no problems until a few days ago. Now when there are post entries without a featured image it’s being displayed empty, there is no a default image as it’s defined on settings with the help of this plugin.

    So I’m not sure about what should I check. All I know is that I’ve this plugin installed, that the default image is stablished and it doesn’t work. Posts without a featured image doesn’t display a default one.

    Plugin Author Jan-Willem


    I cannot test it with tagDiv Newspaper theme as it’s a paid theme.
    But as it is a paid theme I suggest you ask the theme developers to check this out.

    If needed the theme developers can contact me at any time on this forum.

    Good luck and let me know.

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