• Resolved dahlia51


    Hey, i installed your plugin lately but can’t make it to work as intended. I think i already tried almost any setting change but the result is always the same:
    Not showing me any related products on the product (i used it for) at all.
    It would be nice if you could help me.

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  • Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @dahlia51,

    Greetings from WebToffee support!

    We’re sorry to hear about the inconvenience you’re experiencing with the display of custom related products on the product page. To assist you better, could you please provide the following information:

    1. Screenshot of the plugin’s main settings page and a screenshot of the custom related product settings you have configured in the product edit page: This will give us insight into your current configuration and help identify any potential issues.
    2. WooCommerce System Status report: You can access this report in WooCommerce by navigating to WooCommerce -> Status -> Get system status report. This will provide details about your site environment.

    Additionally, to rule out any possible theme conflict, please enable the ‘Override theme’s template’ option in the plugin settings. Enabling this option allows the plugin to override the theme’s existing template for related products.

    As a further troubleshooting step, could you please follow these instructions:

    1. Deactivate every plugin except WooCommerce and Related Products for WooCommerce, and check whether the related products are getting displayed.
    2. If the related products are not getting displayed even in this scenario, you may switch to any of the default WooCommerce themes like Storefront and verify whether the related products are getting displayed.
    3. If the related products are displayed on the product page after deactivating every plugin except WooCommerce and Related Products for WooCommerce, it suggests a conflict with a third-party plugin. In this case, you can reactivate each plugin one by one to identify which one is causing the issue.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this issue for you.

    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @dahlia51,

    We haven’t heard back from you for a while. As this thread has been inactive for some time, we are marking it as resolved.

    You may create a new thread if you require any further assistance.

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