• Resolved hardtruth3456


    We’re using modern events calendar.

    the fields for the booking form like phone number, address, etc are not available in export drop down.

    Definite bug. Pls fix and let us know when fixed.

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  • Plugin Author WP All Import


    Hi @hardtruth3456,

    the fields for the booking form like phone number, address, etc are not available in export drop down.

    To clarify, are you exporting “events” and trying to include data associated with “organizers” and/or “locations” that are tied to the events? If so, it unfortunately wouldn’t be possible since it would require PHP functions (to fetch data from different post types) and the free version of our plugin doesn’t support PHP.

    If I misunderstood, can you please elaborate and show me screenshots highlighting the fields you’re trying to export?

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