• Resolved Guillermo


    Hi pixiefy!

    I just wanted to comment that only saved the background color of the Admin bar …
    the rest does not save …
    remain as though I had not changed ….
    What can be the problem?
    too use in free theme … without plugins … and did not work …
    Need some data especially want to know?
    You need some data especially want to know more?

    Thank you very much

    PD … I am Sorry, bad English, I use translator …. I am Spanish, from Argentina.


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  • Thread Starter Guillermo


    Ok solved !
    Author …Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Plugin Author pixiefy


    @guillermo Kafelnikov Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the late reply 🙁

    AnyWay we fixed that problem , You may now save your all color picker value whatever you want with pixiefy wp dashboard customizer !

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