• Sorry to say that.

    But this plugin right now is not reliable.

    When deleting templates it deletes the SMTP settings as well. Why?

    When deleting SMTP settings it deletes templates as well. Why?

    Now I reloaded the SMTP settings page to find out that I have (how?) duplicated one of the servers settings.

    This is clearly a buggy programming. Which is sad because beside this issues the main goal of sending emails to customers/users/lists seem to work pretty well.

    But sending bulk emails is a very risky business und I have to make sure that

    – every user is mailed and

    – every user is only mailed once

    And I simply don’t trust that plugin.

    I hope they will fix this soon. Maybe I will give it another shot.

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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Are you sure this review is for the Email Users plugin? Email Users does not manage your SMTP settings. Nor does it manage templates. The closest thing to a template is the Default Notification content which is used when notifying users of a post or page.

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