• Resolved Anonymous User 8804248


    Hi im not need Akismet
    Why allways you install this on my pages?
    How can i disable this auto update ans auto install.
    I have no comments on my page and not need this pruct.
    thank you

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  • Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Are you using any non-standard update system? If you uninstall or disable Akismet, it shouldn’t re-install when you update, unless you’re doing something like running the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 8804248


    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes I use the Alpha plugin.
    My other sites don’t have this effect.
    That’s what Alpha wanted, I think.


    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    In that case, you’ll need to raise the issue in the support forum for the Alpha plugin. We can’t control whether Akismet is re-installed, but I do agree that it shouldn’t auto-activate it if it’s already deactivated.

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