• This plugin is so eager to push Blubrry hosting that it makes the interface convoluted and confusing. Doesn’t appear to support multiple podcasts, and continued to ignore the feed we input, instead using the site’s default feed. I uninstalled after 15 mins.

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  • That has not been my experience at all. But if I only took 15 minutes to evaluate something, I’d consider myself an expert and would have no need for the newbie-friendly straightforward interface. I also find that when computers ignore me it’s because I’m not telling them what they need to hear in the way they need to hear it. Strangely, I find that with people as well. This plugin may not be the right fit. I hope you find one that is better suited for your purposes.

    Plugin Support Dave Clements


    Hi @co50,

    We do support multiple podcast feeds with PowerPress. Feel free to reach out to the Blubrry Support team directly if you’re having troubles with the plugin. We’d love to help you get things set up.

    Thread Starter Company 50


    It’s a lot worse than I let on in the review. Player doesn’t show up. No way to remove default feed if done in error. It’s alarming how convoluted it is. It’s like they took all the bugs from the top 5 podcast plugins and implemented them all in this one.

    EDIT: I figured out how to do multiple podcasts. Weird implementation, but so many other shortcomings. Even the basics, i.e. the player showing on the page, doesn’t work.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Company 50.
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