• When activate a plugin, you could see a settings with “Configure the settings for the CaptchaFox widget. Don’t have a site key? Click here to create an account“. And it linked to a dead link “portal.captchafox.com” (not working URL).

    This plugin has too simple settings, and no helpful document to make it works.

    2 first 5 stars reviews seems was fake by their team which violates a rule of WordPress community.

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  • Plugin Author Scoria Labs GmbH


    Hello @khoipro,

    We apologise for the frustration. This plugin is only used in combination with a CaptchaFox account. The link to our administration portal is active and working correctly.

    Please try again and also let us know how we can improve the documentation.
    You can also contact our support team at support@captchafox.com if you encounter any problems. We will be happy to assist.

    Best regards,
    The CaptchaFox Team

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