• Resolved ssgpeter


    Hi folks,
    I have a problem showing all child pages in the list.

    [child_pages cols="1" id="31" skin="simple" list="true" depth="5"]

    That means, that the childpage “Turniere” has 3 subpages (Turniere 2016, Turniere 2017, Turniere 2018), but only “Turniere 2106” is listed instead of the childpage “Turniere”.

    What am I doing wrong?
    I would appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    I think that this must be the way you have your pages arranged somehow … The list of pages that shows up on your link includes “Turniere 2016”, not “Turniere” … so you need to check that the “Turniere” page has it’s parent set to Page ID 31 …

    If you look at the actual Turnier page that you want to show up (https://ssg-dynamit.de/turniere/) it shows the 3 child pages as described.

    Thread Starter ssgpeter


    Thanks a lot.
    Stupid beginner issue. 🙂

    Plugin Author caterhamcomputing


    No problem … easily done 🙂

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