• I get all the warnings about backups, which I did, but this tool wasn’t even close to finding the right unused images. It flagged dozens of images that were in use as unused. Even featured images on various pages were flagged as unused.

    Didn’t find it useful at all.

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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    It can be extremely or even perfectly accurate but unfortunately, you might need to make an effort. For instance, understanding why it doesn’t work for you, participate in the support threads, contact the developer, etc.

    But yes, I admit, it’s so much easier to unleash bad reviews, the effect is so much more satisfying in the short term.

    However, to make things better, it’s probably not the best way. See, I would love to make things better for you, and for others having the same issues… however, with your review, I have no clues about what went wrong. Think about it, I think all of us developers would be grateful 🙂

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