• Resolved grandesballo


    I’m using Lovecraft theme and on the new version of WordPress (5.9) the featured image loading area in the articles editing page is no longer available, so it seems there is no way to use that nice feature of the theme.
    Is someone else experiencing the same problem and how have you solved it? Does the theme need to be updated?

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  • Theme Author Anders Norén


    Hi @grandesballo,

    The featured image is working fine in my local testing on 5.9. It’s usually missing because of a JavaScript error, since it’s loaded in the editor after the initial page load. Could you try disabling all plugins and check if it’s still an issue then?

    — Anders

    Thread Starter grandesballo


    Thank you Anders, it looked like the culprit was Yoast SEO, but after disabling and reenabling it again the website seems to work. It just takes a few minutes for the featured image loading area to appear, along with categories and tags.

    I had rolled back to 5.8 after the issue appeared the first time (as soon as 5.9 was released), and before updating wordpress again I wanted to be sure.
    I had no problems in the staging install of my website though.

    Theme Author Anders Norén


    @grandesballo Could be that the old JavaScript was still cached in your browser and conflicted with changes in the markup in 5.9. Glad you got it working!

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