• Resolved datro


    Theme: Foundation-Lite
    Max Mega Menu plugin version 2.6 (latest)
    Title Remover plugin version 1.2.1 (latest)
    WordPress version 5.2.1 (latest)

    I’m using Max Mega Menu and shortcode to insert a menu on certain pages. Works beautifully. However when I activate the Title Remover plugin and select the pages where I don’t want titles to appear, the Max Mega Menu items pointing to those pages gives me (for example) “#35(NO TITLE)” instead of the proper page title. If I deactivate the Title Remover plugin, everything works again.

    I’ve verified that the menu definition “Navigation Label” is still intact with the proper text for the menu item after activating the Title Remover plugin.

    It seems to me that Max Mega Menu plugin should be using the “Navigation Label” for populating the menu item rather than the page title in this case. How can I use both of these plugins together?

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  • Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi Datro,

    Please can you check if the same thing happens with MMM is disabled? It sounds like the Title Remover plugin is being a bit too aggressive (we do not decide what the title of each menu item is, we leave the “core” menu behaviour to WordPress itself, and just build on top of it).


    Thread Starter datro


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    OK, I disabled MMM for the menu I’m having problems with and yes, the same issue (NO TITLE etc.) still happens when using the Title Remover plugin. So maybe there is an issue with Title Remover.

    But: Note that this is NOT my primary menu. The primary menu (for which MMM has never been enabled) is unaffected and works as expected when using Title Remover. The menu that exhibits the problem was created after I installed MMM, created a new Menu Location for the theme, then a new Menu which was assigned to that new location. Not sure if that is relevant, but it seems curious to me that the primary menu works great with Title Remover but the menu created after I installed MMM does not.

    Anyway, thanks for your help. Unless you find that MMM is somehow involved and can be tweaked, I will probably just fall back to making a simple CSS change to hide the titles rather than using a plugin, but the downside will be that SEO will be affected. In any case, using MMM remains my priority…it is a great plugin.


    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi Datro,

    Another option might be to use Custom Links rather than ‘real’ page items in your menu. Maybe that would stop the title remover plugin from removing them. But glad to hear you have a workaround in mind already 🙂


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