• Hi!

    I have just installed this plugin and I’m experiencing two issues that I’d appreciate a little guidance on;

    1) When entering an address in the USA (presumably everywhere else outside of the UK too), a “There are no shipping methods available. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.” error message will appear. The address was correctly entered.

    2) When entering an invalid address, a “Please enter a valid postcode / ZIP.” notification will appear, however, this isn’t very noticeable and is impossible to see if the user has scrolled down. Worse still, the “Royal Mail: Standard First Class Small Parcel: £3.40” remains in the calculate shipping box which will undoubtedly mislead customers.

    Thanks for reading, any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Waseem Senjer


    Hello Jack,

    Thanks for using our plugin.

    1- The plugin does not support international shipping. Only domestic.
    2- This depends on your Website theme and its WooCommerce support, this message appears from WooCommerce and not from the plugin itself.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter jack1121


    Hi Waseem, thanks for clearing that up for me!

    Unfortunately I must offer international shipping so I’ll have to switch plugins, do you have any plans to update this one in the future?

    Kind regards,

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