• Resolved sephage


    After the last update (to 4.4.0), if I enable integration with the Jetpack contact form, the contact form Submit no longer works (the page refreshes with the same values in the form, but never submits those values). Turning off the integration in the hCaptcha settings enables the Jetpack contact form to work correctly.

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  • Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Thank you for the report, but in 4.4.0 no code related to Jetpack was changed. Also, I do not see the issue on a test site. Could you provide a link to a problematic page?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter sephage


    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Thank you, but it is a standard WP block-type Jetpack form, without hCaptcha. Do you have a test site with the same and hCaptcha enabled?

    Or, can you create a test page on your website, with same Jetpack form, enable hCaptcha for Jetpack in admin, and prevent hCaptcha from activation on the contact-joe page, as described in the manual?

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Closed as non-reproducible.

    Thread Starter sephage


    No worries, I uninstalled it and found another solution.



    @sephage and what ist you solution? Have the same problem.

    Thread Starter sephage


    @csm101 I am using Akismet which should theoretically be helping with comment form SPAM (though I can’t find any settings to that effect). More importantly, I replaced the Jetpack contact form block with one from Kadence, which has an option for non-captcha anti-spam built in already.

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