• Resolved anika89


    I have a problem with my pop – up. It doesn’t show the cross to close it. It exists but It is not visible ( I mean I can close on the computer clicking on the upper right corner of pop -up, but there is no “X”).
    On the phone, there is no “X” either I can’t close with an invisible button like on the computer.
    What should I do? Had anyone same problem?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Author Chris Hammond


    Could you please give me the link to your website so I can troubleshoot the issue for you? Thanks!

    Thread Starter anika89



    Plugin Author Chris Hammond


    Hi Anika,
    Thank you! I have found solution to your issue. You have a rule in your stylesheet for what could possibly be another plugin overriding the styles for my plugin.

    The code that is causing the ‘X’ to disappear is .op9 img {display:none;}

    You can override this by going into your stylesheet and adding the following:

    .state-fb-pop-up-close img {
      display: block;  

    This will fix the issue and cause the ‘X’ for the popup to appear.

    Thanks again for using this plugin! Please let me know if this solution fixes the issue 🙂

    Thread Starter anika89


    Thank you.
    My boyfriend did what you said but the problem still occurs. The cross is only in incognito window, the rest still same – without 🙁

    Plugin Author Chris Hammond


    Hi Anika,
    I looked at your website again just now and the ‘X’ is showing up as it should. Your browser may still be loading the older version due to the browser cache. Sometimes you need to refresh the page a few times for it to show the updated styles.

    After you refresh a few more times, if it still does not show up you should clear your browser cache. Please let me know if this solution works for you so I can mark this topic as resolved. Thank you!

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