• Hi,
    Our blog (www.mumsthewordblog.com) is hosted by Bluehost using Jetpack & using Nucleare Free Theme, we post daily using the Daily Prompt word & linking our post by pingback to the daily prompt area. When people look at our post on their reader page, none of our posts show a comments box for people to comment on. They have to physically go to our blog page to make a comment on the post there. Can you please advise if there is a plugin or widget that we can use to fix this? We have been told by Bluehost & Jetpack that WordPress have advised them that at this stage WordPress do not accommodate for the comments box to be shown in this situation for hosted sites when doing a pingback post to the daily prompt site, but will be allowing this to happen at some point in the future. In the meantime, can you please advise us of something we can use to fix this problem, as we feel we are missing out on so many comments with the way it is not working for us now. Thanking you, Tracey & Lis

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