• Hello,

    I have a problem with permissions by role.

    Authors / Editors / Contributors, don’t have access to the wp-admin area, so they can’t create articles or events.

    When they log and try create an article, they see the message : “You don’t have permission to access this page”

    However, the “access wp-admin” box is checked for these roles in the settings.

    How can this be resolved? Thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support yuriinalivaiko


    Hello @julien-g

    Go to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > User Roles > Edit Role to manage the role permissions. Turn on the “Can access wp-admin?” setting to allow users with this role accessing the wp-admin area.

    Grant capabilities required to create and edit WordPress posts:

    • delete_posts
    • delete_published_posts
    • edit_posts
    • edit_published_posts
    • publish_posts
    • read
    • upload_files

    You may need to grant more capabilities to create and edit custom post types. There are no “articles” and “events” in WordPress by default. I guess you use plugins that add a custom post type.

    See docs: Administrative Permissions, How to allow member to write posts


    Thread Starter Julien G.



    As I said, the “Can access wp-admin?” option is already activated for autors and editors. That’s the first thing I’ve checked.

    But it doesn’t work, authors and editors don’t have access to any area of the administration. All url with /wp-admin/ in it is blocked.

    They can’t even access their profile page, or create posts. When I said articles, I meant posts…

    I don’t use any other role management plugin.

    So what’s wrong ?

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter Julien G.


    Any help please ?

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