• Resolved rockwell08


    The NextGEN Plus plugin causes my website to display only a blank page. I disabled all plugins, and the website works. I enable the NextGEN Gallery plugin, and the website works fine. If I enable the NextGEN Plus plugin, my website crashes.

    I’m running the latest version of WP and NextGEN. I deleted, redownloaded, and reinstalled the NextGEN Plus plugin, to no avail.

    As of now, I’ve had to revert to the basic slideshows to keep my website displaying galleries.

    It seems like there’s some overall problems with almost everything NextGEN at the moment, so I’m assuming that there will be some sort of fix soon. But, in case there isn’t, is there any other guidance?


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  • Same thing here. Disabled all plugins and as I re-enabled one by one, it’s PLUS that’s causing the white error screen.

    Their own web site also seems to be down. https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/

    Not sure if it is related, but If you are upgrading to modern versions of PHP (v8 or higher) the NextGen plugins throw an error about a missing constant:

    Undefined constant "NGG_PRO_PLUGIN_VERSION"

    to get around this on a dev site, I added this to the top of

    //PHP v8 hacky fix
    if ( !defined('NGG_PRO_PLUGIN_VERSION') ) :
    define ("NGG_PRO_PLUGIN_VERSION","");

    This is in no way an actual fix, but does allow the site to load past the show-stopping error.

    I am waiting to update both NextGen Gallery and NextGen Plus to their latest versions, so this constant may be defined in newer versions, but I haven’t seen that in the older versions I have currently.

    I solved this making a rollback to 3.41 version and disabling the auto uptade

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by lucasrizzi.

    Same. Beyond v3.41, the problems start happening.

    To make things more confusing, we only use the Free plugin and PLUS plugin, yet see warnings and errors about PRO plugin versions, which we don’t have. Sounds like time for Imagely to do some work.

    Thread Starter rockwell08


    I see that they’ve updated the NextGEN Gallery plugin a couple of times. The first update fixed NextGEN Plus. I was able to enable it and roll my galleries back to the Plus features that they had been using previously.

    I hope that this fixed it for everybody else on this thread as well. I’m going to mark this particular thread as resolved. I’m sorry if anybody else is having the same problem, but theirs is not yet resolved.

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