• Recently WP rolled out an update that added some helpful features to do with writing our privacy policy page. I followed it all, but the notification won’t disappear! See here https://i.imgur.com/9iFk01h.png

    I’ve tried doing everything – closing notifications, clicking the “X”, editing the privacy page, etc, etc. The notification won’t go away. It’s only happened on this one site, my others I don’t have this issue.

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  • Hello there!

    Your image is not appearing. Please update your screenshot using https://prnt.sc/ to see it correctly.

    Thread Starter mdotk


    Hi @ranss, please see here https://prnt.sc/jrtpsk



    I got rid of the notification by doing this:

    Go to Settings > Privacy
    Select a different random page
    Click on review link
    Go back to Settings > Privacy
    Select your actual privacy page.

    Now it should say:
    Successfully saved your privacy policy… bla bla

    I finally resolved this by:

    Creating a new privacy policy using the “Create page” on the privacy page.
    Copy the content into that page from my existing policy.
    Save & Publish
    Trash the old page
    Delete permanently old page
    Change permalink of new policy page…


    File wp-admin/includes/misc.php includes the following code:

    	 * Output a warning when some privacy info has changed.
    	 * @since 4.9.6
    	public static function policy_text_changed_notice() {
    		global $post;
    		$screen = get_current_screen()->id;
    		if ( 'privacy' !== $screen ) {
    		<div class="policy-text-updated notice notice-warning is-dismissible">
    					/* translators: %s: Privacy Policy Guide URL */
    					__( 'The suggested privacy policy text has changed. Please <a href="%s">review the guide</a> and update your privacy policy.' ),
    					esc_url( admin_url( 'tools.php?wp-privacy-policy-guide=1' ) )

    I think this is a bug as the ID cannot be a text:
    if ( ‘privacy’ !== $screen )



    Here https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_current_screen in Return Value section we can see that id is string. An example below shows [id] => post.
    While I agree it’s somewhat confusing, but I believe there’s no bug above.

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