• Hi All,

    I need to make a process to keep my development and production environment separate from each other. Now, whenever we update our website on development, we export the whole website using All-in-One and then import it on production. Basically we migrate the site from one server to another.

    I want to know how I can take incremental export/import so that we do not have to move whole of the site every time. Also, it take us a lot of time to import the site. A simple site is taking us 3-4 hours in importing.

    Kindly suggest some method so that we do not have to migrate whole data. Also, please suggest what is the best process to adapt to keep development and production different from each other.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Ashish Garg

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • Hi thebackbencher,
    i would suggest using some version control system like GitHub for example. If installed right, GitHub shows you what files have changed. So you can just override those files on the server. But as soon as you add or edit something in the WordPress Backoffice you have to upload your whole database anyways becouse thats where it’s saved.

    To GitHub

    Usefull little-/none-Code GitHub software:
    GitHub Desktop

    GitHub is free to use and you can work as a Team in one Repository.

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