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  • Plugin Support Elizabeth (a11n)


    Hi there,

    This looks like there might be a plugin or theme conflict on your site.

    To start troubleshooting, please disable all your plugins except WP Job Manager (and add-ons). Then, testing again to see if the issue persists. If that resolves the problem, you can find what was causing it by enabling each plugin individually while continuing to test. 

    If that doesn’t help, please switch to the Twenty Twenty-Four theme via Appearance > Themes and test again. If the issue is resolved, you know it’s a problem with the theme.

    The Health Check plugin is a helpful tool for debugging in such scenarios. You can download it from this link: It requires a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Four.  On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to deactivate all plugins except for WP Job Manager and temporarily change the theme for your current session without affecting regular visitors to your site.

    Let me know if that helps!

    Plugin Support Jay


    Hi there,

    It has been a while since we have heard from you, so I’m marking this topic as resolved.

    But if you have any further questions or need some more help, you’re welcome to reply here or open another thread.

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