• needsomehelp79


    Hello, I am having an issue with my cover blocks (the three big images that are full width) and when you look at it on mobile the text is too big and it formats it improperly. Is there anyway to fix this? I have already added some CSS to fix the width issue that I found from another post but I just need to fix the font size now

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi needsomehelp79!

    If you want to fix the font size, you can add a media query into the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section. I think you may have already done this, as I see some autogenerated code on line 146.

    Paste this into the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section:

    /* Reduce the font-size for cover block images on mobile devices for the
    https://claimingclarity.com/spiritual-awakening-a-powerfully-simple-guide-for-real-people/ post */
    @media only screen and (max-width:768px) {
    #post-776 .wp-block-cover h2 { font-size: 37px!important } /* Change the font-size to whatever you need it to be. */

    When the screen width is less than 768px, the font size will reduce to 37px for the text that goes above the three images on https://claimingclarity.com/spiritual-awakening-a-powerfully-simple-guide-for-real-people/ (“post-776”). I set the size to 37px as that’s half of the 74px that the headings display as above 768px.

    The reduced font size also seems to fix the formatting issue that I saw before writing this code.

    Please let me know if you need any further help!

    Thread Starter needsomehelp79



    You’re welcome!

    If your question has been answered, it would be great if you would mark this topic as resolved in the sidebar. This helps the forum’s volunteers find the topics that still need attention and more people will get helped, possibly like you did!

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