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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    Hi there,

    I’m afraid that’s not possible at the moment but I’ll look into it for our next update!


    Thread Starter psycode


    Don’t take me wrong,but will you be updating any time soon then i can save money on another theme,

    And can you suggest any workaround by simple editing or using another widget.

    Thanks for the reply

    Plugin Author Brecht


    I can’t give you a deadline right now. We have a few other priorities. Hope to be able to release the update in about 2 weeks, but I can’t promise that yet.

    Unfortunately it’s not a simple change. I’m not aware of any other widgets or plugins like this either, that’s the reason I created this plugin.

    In the meantime you could use a plugin like Widget Logic and have 1 HTML widget for each post/page you need it for. Then use widget logic to only display that widget on the post/page with a certain ID. Bit of workaround.

    Plugin Author Brecht


    It took me a bit longer than expected, but I just released a new 1.2 update that includes the possibility to enable up to 3 separate widgets.

    You can change the number of widgets on the Settings > Dynamic Widget Content page.

    Let me know if that works for you!

    Thread Starter psycode


    Wow thanks for the help man,appreciate you always try to help and thanks fo letting me know,ill check the featre and reply back to you ::)

    Thread Starter psycode


    yeah it works pretty well ,thank you so much man , appreciate your help 🙂

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Good to hear!
    Just let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions.


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