• My website is trendblurb.com

    On the front page I would like to have a space between the posts so that the background shows through. I have messed around with the CSS but nothing seems to work for me. Any help would be appreciated!

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  • your background color for your content is set to #1b1b1b. You might want to try setting it to transparent and setting the color for your articles to #1b1b1b. I posttest the css below if you want to try it.

    #main article{background-color:#1b1b1b;}

    sorry you will have to set your sidebar color also


    you will probably have to work with it to get it like you want.

    Thread Starter joezmomma


    Thanks! After doing that, what CSS code would I add in to add a space between the posts on the front page?

    the background will be transparent so everything between your articles will show the background.

    Thread Starter joezmomma


    Yes but there is no space between my articles for the background to show. I need to add some sort of padding between them but I cannot figure it out

    what do you mean by adding padding?

    The first 2 statements makes the background totally invisible than add the background to your articles only.

    The space between your articles will be totally transparent. If you want more space just increase the margins between your articles.

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