• Resolved themorningline


    For some reason, the nav bar menu items are collapsing into a More dropdown. I don’t really understand why because I only have 3 menu items, a single social icon, and 1 button in the nav bar, so there is plenty of space available. This seems to be some kind of bug, because if I shrink my browser window size, the More dropdown disappears and they display normally. I don’t see a way to upload a screenshot, so I linked to it below (my development site is behind a password).

    View post on imgur.com

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  • Hello @themorningline

    Would you be able to post your website’s URL so we can take a better look?


    Edit: Just noticed that you’ve said the site is behind a protection. Without looking at the site, we cannot really say what’s happening, so would you be able to remove it temporarily?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Eduard.
    Thread Starter themorningline


    It is temporarily open for review: https://www.nictay28.dream.press/

    Hey @themorningline

    Looking at the site using the browser developer tools, I can find at least three caching solutions running at the same time. You have Autoptimise, WP Super Cache, Varnish and who knows what else.

    Running more than one caching solution at the same time will break any kind of website, so I would recommend choosing just one option and sticking with it. This should bring back the normal menu functionality.


    Thread Starter themorningline


    Sure enough, that seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the assistance; I thought that Autoptimize and WP Super Cache worked together fine, but removing Autoptomize solved it.

    Happy to help @themorningline !

    If you want to keep the performance benefits of Autoptimize (which typically works great with WP Super Cache), I’m pretty sure this can be fixed by re-configuring things. If interested; first and foremost try to identify what is breaking things by just disabling CSS or JS or HTML or Image optimization (incl. lazyload). Based on that we can see what the next steps need to be 🙂


    Hey @optimizingmatters

    Yep, that is a valid way to do things, but the thing that I saw and was a little bit weird is two server-side caching solutions enabled, Varnish and something else, present in the headers. So in total, 4 optimisation solutions, which is not really recommended, to be frank, especially if they’re configured incorrectly.

    Don’t you agree?

    varnish & wp super cache are both page caching plugins, but autoptimize does not do page caching, it “only” does asset optimization (css, js, images, ..), so there is no overlap with varnish/ wp super cache actually 🙂

    Yes, I know and understand that, but we’re not sure of Super Cache’s configuration, as well as the server side solutions that the OP might have implemented (except varnish).

    We’ve had zero problems with our clients that are using Autoptimise configured correctly, so there are no issues from our side. It’s just that we cannot be sure of the configuration that the client has and it’s best to recommend using just one solution at once.


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