• Resolved mpjohnso


    I’m having trouble with a strange border showing up on one side of a DIV in my header on my site: HERE

    You’ll notice that to the right of my logo in the header a vertical line is showing. I’m guessing it’s a div border in my stylesheet but I can’t for the life of me find it!

    Can someone lend a hand and take a look?

    Thanks in advance!!!

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  • Yup, find this in your ‘white.css’:

    #header h2 {
      border-right:1px solid #7F7F7F;


    Thread Starter mpjohnso


    Ah hah! You’re right and for some reason white.css doesn’t show up in my editor list of files so i have to manually find it…

    anyways, this helps a lot

    can you tell me 2 more things though?

    first, how do i remove the fat grey bar/background behind my logo that goes across the page above the nav bar?

    second, how could I realign the divs in my header so that the search bar and rss & email images align to the bottom instead of the top? I think that currently the search bar is in a div above the logo and images below it.

    1. In that very same white.css is this:

    body {
      background:#E5E5E5 none repeat scroll 0 0;

    However, in style.css background-color is defined as #000, so you might want to remove that as well.

    2. give both #utilities and #subscribe1 a top value of 50px (and remove the bottom value for #subscribe) in style.css.


    Thread Starter mpjohnso


    Sir, may I buy you a beer?

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