• mack26


    i have reinstall WordPress and i have latest version, but my visual editor is not working!! please help me
    and i have try the thing which i get to now from internet \
    i had reinstall all the plugin and delete all the cache from web browser and from wordpess and i had edited that code in wp-config.php file. please help me in another way wordpress team please

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Keith Malone



    Benjamin Lu



    Please log in to your dashboard and under Users, click and edit your username and make sure that almost on to the top, there’s an option to disable and enable Visual Editor.

    Does that help.

    Thread Starter mack26



    Yes i have check it.
    I was enable visual editor mode. Please give me another suggestion.
    And thanx for this

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