• Resolved monowheels



    If you look on this page (my test environment): http://dev.monowheels.be/vergelijk-onze-top-selectie-monowheels/
    you see that the table is spit after the second column. This only happens when I activate the ‘optimize css’ option.
    Otherwise the table shows as normal as you can see on my www-version of the website.

    I also contacted the team behind the template, but they didn’t find a fix yet.
    Could you guys help me solve this problem?


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    is there specific css that styles tables and if so can you try excluding that from css optimization?

    Thread Starter monowheels


    Great that worked 🙂 thx!

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    great! can you mark as “resolved”, I can’t seem to do that any more..

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