• Hi
    I lost my site after trying factory reset.
    I cant login with my email/username and password
    please help me get it back
    thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It looks like the site is totally cleaned up.

    Are you able to recover your login via

    Thread Starter mhanakayuf


    No I can’t

    Error: There is no account with that username or email address.

    You may want to check with your hosting provider if you can recover the older copy of the website, since it seems like the site you have is completely blank.

    Can you share more details about how you went about resetting the website?

    Are you wanting to have a blank site to restart building your site? It would be helpful if you can share more context.

    Thread Starter mhanakayuf


    This is an educational site, I tried to delete all the content to start over, and then I have not been able to connect, it seems like everything has been deleted, including login mail

    If you are familiar using PHPMyAdmin ( Generally available via your hosting Cpanel), you can reset the password of the existing admin using the steps in this article ( outside of WordPress.org )

    Since it is anyway now a clean slate website, Instead of doing recovery of admin password, you may want to delete everything and create a new installation. This time, take care to note the admin username and password.

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