• I am using the Editor role and it has all of the pages and posts permissions enabled but for some reason they cannot add a page or post. why?

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  • Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    Some plugin may block this. Try to deactivate all plugins, make new test if problem will go away, activate plugins back one by one with a new test until isolate a source of this problem.

    Thread Starter nickw5


    For some reason this User Role Editor is conflicting with the WordPress classic editor plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/

    Is there a fix?

    Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    Describe a conflict with more details. I have active classic-editor at my development sites and don’t meet any conflicts.

    What version of URE do you use: free or pro?

    Thread Starter nickw5


    I use the free version of both these plugins that are conflicting. when you activate the WP Classic Editor plugin the User Role Editor plugin will not work and not let my Editor Role add new pages or posts. When I disable the WP Classic Editor plugin everything works great as expected. So 100% these two plugins are not playing nice with each other

    Plugin Author Vladimir Garagulya


    Let me know, can you add new page or post when WP Classic Editor is active, but URE is deactivated?

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