• Firstly, I sincerely appreciate the work put into this theme. Thank you.

    I have a little issue with the theme.

    After adding ad code using the Hook, the ad appears repeatedly.

    I added to code to the After Content (astra_entry_bottom) and on Blog / Archive page, the ad appears after each title. This obviously isn’t a good user experience.

    Screenshot => https://pasteboard.co/GI2rMzdRmtee.png

    Please help me fix this.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 3 days, 18 hours ago by diraph.
    • This topic was modified 3 days, 18 hours ago by diraph.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @diraph,

    What is your expectation with the code you have? Please share the code you are using. You can change the code to show the ads with any string like Lorem ipsum or anything.

    However, please just bear in mind that customization and custom code is something beyond our support. So, we are not promising you with anything.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter diraph


    Hi thank you for your response.

    However, I don’t have n issue with the code.

    The aim is to show an ad.

    The code shows well (just once) in single post.

    The issue is that the ad shows multiple times on archive pages

    Do you understand?

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