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  • If they were showing before and you’ve just upgraded to 4.1, it could be do to the problem in this thread I just created:

    Thread Starter andriansah



    I try your fix but still not showing.
    This is new installation

    Thanks for your help

    It looks like your site is really new and it can take Google a while to find relevant ads, so that may be the problem. One thing you can do to test this is to change the Backup Ad for your ad units from “Blank” to a solid color. That should show you if the code is working properly and, if it is, you might just need to wait a little longer.

    I am facing the same problem, not only google but other ads are also not workig. When I put them in another theme they are working fine.

    From my experience, responsive ads do not show in the header but non-responsive ones do. This is rather annoying because the theme is mobile friendly, but I am forced to put a 728×90 ad in the header which looks bad on mobile.

    The problem could affect ads on other areas of the site, but I have 300×250 ads in the side bar which happen to be mobile friendly. Perhaps responsive doesn’t work there either?

    Same here – respnsive ads dont work on header and below-post. They work on sidebar and below-title.



    Any future fix for the responsive ads on header and below post?

    Here’s a solution that worked for me:

    edit style.css:

    1. find .widget-header-bottom-right and remove (comment out) the line – like this:

    /* width:100%; */

    2. underneath the closing curly bracked } insert the following lines:

    .widget-header {

    3. find .bottomad and insert the following lines just above the closing curly bracket } :

    width: 100%;
    min-height: 60px;

    Well at least that worked for me (see here: , and I hope it workes for you, too!

    Oh, P.S.: This is true for Version 1.2.7

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