• Resolved swagtacular


    Hi – when activating the plugin on a multisite setup, it gives both success messages as well as error message saying:

    Facebook for WooCommerce is almost ready. To complete your configuration, complete the setup steps.

    MyWorks Woo Sync for QuickBooks Online has been deactivated! This plugin requires WooCommerce to be active!

    You have successfully activated MyWorks Sync for QuickBooks Online. You may visit MyWorks Sync > Connection in your menubar to begin setup!

    Is the plugin not multisite ready or am i missing something?
    What happens is the plugin deactivates itself (And yes, woocommerce is active on the current site).

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  • Thread Starter swagtacular


    Help for self help:

    In class-myworks-wc-qbo-sync-admin.php you are refering to activate plugins via the options table, through: get_option(“active_plugins”);
    This table is blog specific, and not network aware, why this error is happening, since the woocommerce plugin is installed networkwide on our installation.

    So i added another check with:
    is_plugin_active_for_network(“woocommerce/woocommerce.php”) which it is, and now it works.

    Hope you will bring this with you in next update.

    Another quite funny thing i found:
    class-myworks-wc-qbo-sync-activator.php file has multiple places where you have defined:
    $is_plugin_activate = flase;

    Which obviously is supped to state “false” and not “flase”.

    Plugin Author MyWorks


    @swagtacular Thanks for sharing! We have plans to bring better multisite support to our plugin, and we’ve already added this support to the next upcoming version of our plugin. Feel free to reach out via support ticket in your account with us if you’d like early access to this version!

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