• Resolved Sébastien SERRE


    I have a multisite using your plugin.
    On a child site, I can site “use the network setting” but in the network admin site, I can’t see any settings.
    How could I manage this ?

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Sébastien SERRE. Reason: typo
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  • Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Hi Sebastien,

    Thank you for reporting an issue. Do you multisite with subdomains or subfolders?

    How can I reproduce the issue? Which steps I have to repeat to see it?

    Thread Starter Sébastien SERRE



    The multisite is in subdomain. I’ve network activated your plugin and do not see any setting on network admin level

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    Plugin does not have Network Admin Settings so far. You can turn on “Use network-wide settings” on any of subsites and the same settings will be used network-wide.

    We plan to add this functionality for multisite in one of the nearest releases.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by kaggdesign.
    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign



    I have added the support for Multisite Network Admin synced with network-wide plugin options. It will be released in v4.2.0 in the beginning of June.

    Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    v4.2.0 is released.

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