• Resolved spheros



    I really need the multiple sticky items feature. I understand that this is a free plug-in and the developer has other things to do, but I would really appreciate it if Mark could add the multiple sticky items feature. I completely understand if it is not possible for you. If it is possible, when can I expect it.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter spheros


    . EDIT: I accidentally posted this. Sorry.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by spheros. Reason: Mistake

    The plugin author says this feature is proposed for the next major update but that no date has been set.

    I’d agree that multiple sticky elements would be fantastic. It could even be a part of a pro version as I’d pay for it.

    Another great feature would be to allow a different sticky element for desktop and mobile.

    Thread Starter spheros


    I would pay extra to get the feature faster

    Thread Starter spheros


    Mark, can you comment on this?

    Thread Starter spheros


    I guess not then?

    It’s not a matter of money, but time. To make the plugin work for more than one element would require a considerable rewrite of the code, which is very time-consuming.

    I do plan to get this done in the next few months, but I’ve been saying that before so I don’t want to make any promises or set any expectations.

    my votes for these features:
    – I’d agree that multiple sticky elements would be fantastic. It could even be a part of a pro version as I’d pay for it.

    – Another great feature would be to allow a different sticky element for desktop and mobile.

    – sticky to bottom or top

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