• i use a feed to publish calvin n hobbes quotes, then attach them randomly as my email signatures using gmail…

    i have 2 feeds now, the main feed and the calvin n hobbes category feed…i need to increase the length of my calvin n hobbes feed to 50 without affecting the main feed…

    “Syndication feeds show the most recent” thingy affects all the feeds, but i want the main feed to display only 10 posts…


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  • Ryan S


    so do you mean you want to show 10 latest posts on main feed and 50 latest posts on category..

    as per my knowledge, you do not have a control over the number of posts displayed in feed. It is up to the subscriber, how many posts he want to display..

    Thread Starter aadi


    so do you mean you want to show 10 latest posts on main feed and 50 latest posts on category..


    in wp 2.7.1, there’s “Syndication feeds show the most recent” in Settings->Reading…but it affects all the feeds…

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