• Resolved waynepaulj


    Great plugin.
    The only feature missing for me is the ability to specify more than one item (purpose) with amount and combine the amounts at checkout, similar to the way the shopping cart works.
    Many times a donor in a church wishes to give tithe/offering, benevolence, missions, etc. at one time rather than 3 transactions. This saves time to the donor and transaction fees to the organization.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author flinnn


    thanks for reaching out.
    Honestly, I hadn’t considered your use case. But very good idea, I put it on the roadmap and will implement it in one of the next releases.
    Many greetings,

    PS: If you like Donation Platform for WooCommerce and want to support the further growth and development of the plugin, please consider rating it with ★★★★★ Thank You

    Thread Starter waynepaulj


    Thank you for your quick response.
    As an alternative, I am attempting to make a ‘group’ product so the donor has a choice of ‘products’ as in some of your demos.
    When I set the referenced item to “group” item, the product choices display nicely on the screen. However, I receive a “sorry, this product cannot be purchased” or “could not add donation to cart” message.

    Plugin Author flinnn


    To offer different options please use Variable products. Just select a custom attribute and give it different values.
    Grouped products are unfortunately not yet fully supported, depending on how the individual products were created, it can sometimes come to problems.

    Plugin Author flinnn


    Hi, just to let you know, in the latest update I addressed your two points.
    From now on you can activate the setting “Allow more than one product in cart” under WooCommerce settings -> Donations.
    In addition, the bug when adding grouped products to the shopping cart has been fixed. Please make sure that the corresponding child products also have “Donation Project” activated.

    PS: If you like Donation Platform for WooCommerce and want to support the further growth and development of the plugin, please consider a 5-star rating.

    Thread Starter waynepaulj


    Thank you for your quick response to my request.
    I set the option “Allow more than one product in cart”.
    I assume there are other changes required to make the cart behave differently.
    I have one group item set with three sub items.
    My shortcode is
    [wcdp_donation_form id=”1195″ style=”2″ button=”1″ title =”1″ popup=”1″ ]


    Thanks much!

    Plugin Author flinnn


    Hi Wayne,
    thanks for reaching out.
    For grouped products, the other child product is removed, otherwise the donor cannot remove previously (erroneously) selected projects from the cart.
    However, other products that are not a child product of the grouped product and were previously in the cart are no longer removed.
    I think I have now understood what exactly you want to achieve. It should be possible to select multiple options at the same time, right? I have set up a small demo at https://codepen.io/jonas-hoebenreich/pen/mdpjMYX. My idea was that the donation amount would then be distributed evenly to the projects, so that the amount entered would still be the total donation amount. What do you think of it?

    Thanks for your input, I plan to make this feature part of the next update.

    Best, Jonas

    Thread Starter waynepaulj


    Thank you for responding quickly.
    Your demo looks great. What we need, though, is for the donor to specify a different amount for each product selected.
    School project – $10
    Youth Initiative – $50
    Total donation – $60

    This is what most churches expect to see in their giving platform. They are a little more demanding in this area than most non-profits. I am most familiar with tithe.ly and PushPay.
    Thank you,

    Plugin Author flinnn


    Do you have a concrete demo page from tithe.ly or pushpay that covers all your needs? Unfortunately, I couldn’t find one on their site.

    Thread Starter waynepaulj


    I just did a multi-line donation on my client’s tithe.ly site and discovered that it generated two separate transactions, both charging the full fee ($.3o plus 2.9%) per transaction. So my premise that this would save the merchant money is incorrect.
    I will continue to work with the changes that you have graciously made, and look forward to the possibility of adding a “shopping cart” type page sometime in the future; one that will generate one credit card transaction and multiple products on the back end.
    We are working with a relatively new payment partner that is going to place us in a very competitive position in the donations market. This added “shopping cart” feature will be a great advantage.
    Best Regards,

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