• Resolved mswenson2


    Right now we have it set up so that only people who are logged in can see a separate folder to download product images and forms. If any of the products have multiple items that can be downloaded all of a sudden they cant download them anymore they are taken to a blank page. I have every plugin updated to the latest version as well. I have display method: button + checkboxes and show the select all box set up.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter mswenson2


    Anyone have any suggestions?



    Is your all downloadable files hosted on same server? As I think this plugin only supports multiple downloads of single product, if it is on same wp directory. I.e., downloadable files should be in wp-content/uploads

    I’ve trying to get cope up with plugin author, seems he has other busy schedules.

    Plugin Contributor Square One Media


    Hi mswenson, sorry for the delay I’ve been meaning to get back to you. pavankumarchenna is correct that the files must be on the same server as your WordPress installation, for example your uploads folder where WooCommerce puts them.

    If they are on the same server make sure the filenames on your WooCommerce product are real file names, like some_file.zip.

    Failing that it might be worth checking for plugin conflicts, disabling other plugins to find it.

    Hope this helps,


    Thread Starter mswenson2


    I have done all that already and everything should be set up correctly. When I try and do a download all it redirects me to http://westcoed.com/wp-admin/admin-post.php which shows a blank white page and nothing downloads



    Hello. What is type of hosting you use? If it has cpanel try enabling zip option in php tools settings.

    Let’s give it a try..

    Plugin author will help you if it doesn’t works..

    Plugin Contributor Square One Media


    I’m assuming single files all work without issue?

    Is a “download all” single button not working, and the checkbox where you create a zip file also not working?

    Thread Starter mswenson2


    Enabling zip option in PHP tools seems to have fixed it. Thanks for all the help!

    Plugin Contributor Square One Media



    Something that escaped my mind in development was building in some error reporting. This will be coming in a future update, which will hopefully make solving these kinds of problems easier.

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