• essday


    Hello, all!

    In WP 2.7.x, I was able to use the “[caption]” nomenclature when writing posts to insert images and their corresponding captions.

    After the update to WP 2.8.1, I noticed that this feature seems to be broken when multiple “[caption]” sections are used in a single post. This appears to be a problem that was newly introduced in the 2.8 series. (Note that I upgraded directly from 2.7.1 to 2.8.1.)

    For example, I could enter the following code into the post textbox when creating a post in 2.7.x:

    [caption id="attachment_437" align="alignnone" width="100" caption="DESCRIPTION OF MY FIRST IMAGE HERE"]<a href="(...)Img_001.jpg"><img src="(...)Img_001-100x150.jpg" alt="DESCRIPTION OF MY FIRST IMAGE HERE" title="DESCRIPTION OF MY FIRST IMAGE HERE" width="100" height="150" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-437" /></a>[/caption][caption id="attachment_435" align="alignnone" width="100" caption="DESCRIPTION OF MY SECOND IMAGE HERE"]<a href="(...)Img_002.jpg"><img src="(...)Img_002.jpg" alt="DESCRIPTION OF MY SECOND IMAGE HERE" title="DESCRIPTION OF MY SECOND IMAGE HERE" width="100" height="150" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-435" /></a>[/caption]

    In 2.7.x, this outputs two DIV sections, each containing the appropriate image and corresponding caption.

    Under 2.8.x, the first DIV section (containing Img_001) is output properly, but the entire caption block for the section caption (with Img_002) is output as plaintext in the post (including the literal text “[caption]“).

    Any ideas? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    – essday

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  • esmi


    Have you tried switching to the default theme to check whether this is an theme-specific issue?

    Thread Starter essday


    That’s a good suggestion. I just tried it, and yes, it’s still broken when using the default theme.



    Just tried it on one of my dev sites and can confirm the bug. The fix (for now) is to place at least 1 blank space between the 2 caption shortcodes.

    I can’t find any report of this bug on Trac, so do you want to submit a bug report?

    Thread Starter essday


    Thanks for the workaround!

    Done as #10455.

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