• Hello there,

    I have a problem:
    My current wordpress system works in a subfolder (/wordpress). Now, i would like to make wordpress the “main page”, so i would like to have it in my webserver document root (otherwise it would be always mydomain/wordpress in the url, which disturbs me)…

    i tried to just copy my installation in my document root and edit every db entry to point at “/” instead of “/wordpress”, but everything was messed up!

    Is there a “clean” way of moving wordpress from one directory to another? Or is there some mod_rewrite hack which could have the same effect?

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  • Thread Starter cottonijoe


    thx. this wouldn’t have happened if the search field had worked…. :-/

    Is there a “clean” way of moving wordpress from one directory to another? Or is there some mod_rewrite hack which could have the same effect?

    Generally speaking, the most important options to change are the “WordPress address (URI)” and the “Blog address (URI).” I’ve moved a blog just like you did by first changing those settings (while in the old directory), then immediately move the files. Your mileage may vary.


    Hope it helped. At the top of this list there is an excellent link on how to search from Podz


    With all the wonderful things that the WordPress folk do I cannot understand why they do not fix this forum – which for them would be relatively simple.

    I guess its a question of priorities.

    Interesting thing is that while this has all been said many times before, including by the moderators, no response has been forthcoming from the owners of this site.

    Yeah I know its open source and free etc… but it sends a real bad message to the users, early adopters, WordPress missionaries etc.. which will have an influence on the potentially revenue generating off shoots like wordpress.com etc.

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