• I have always had my blog at the address http://www.mydomain.com/blog, but now want to have it as the star attraction, at http://www.mydomain.com. I followed the instructions for giving WordPress its own directory, and for the most part, it seems to have worked.  However, some of the plugins don’t seem to want to play nice.  They’re still looking for stuff in the same (relative) directory as before.  That’s to say, instead of trying to go to blog/images/rss.png, they might be looking for images/rss.png.  Here’s some examples from my error log:

    [Sat Jan  6 15:09:25 2007] [error]  Directory index forbidden by rule: /home/foo/public_html/blog/
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addnetvibes.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addnewsgator.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addgoogle.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/help.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addmyyahoo.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addmymsn.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addfeedlounge.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/addbloglines.gif
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:42 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sem-subscribe-me/rss.png
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:41 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/blog/wp-includes/images/rss.png
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:40 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/css/lightbox.css
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:40 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/js/lightbox.js
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:40 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/js/scriptaculous.js
    [Sat Jan  6 15:07:40 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/js/prototype.js
    [Sat Jan  6 15:02:35 2007] [error]  File does not exist: /home/foo/public_html/403.shtml
    [Sat Jan  6 15:02:35 2007] [error]  Directory index forbidden by rule: /home/foo/public_html/blog/

    As I say, the main body of the blog seems to be working fine.  The entries are there, the comments are there, the images are there.  It’s just some of the plugins that aren’t getting it.  Any ideas?

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