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  • Just use float.

    For example if your login link is a element with the class “login-button”:

    .login-button {
     float: right;

    But keep in mind that the elements under that link are going to float into that area too. Just add a div with the following styles directly under the a element:

    <div class="clear"></div>


    .clear {
    clear: both;

    If you want the whole nav to float right, just add de css to it the same way

    Hey geront,
    I think I can help, could you please mention the site link? So I can write the css for you.

    Thread Starter geront


    Thanks mango404, mahfuz.
    I tried to aply css by mango404.
    If a user is not logged in, the problem is solved.
    However, when a user loged in, the [Site Name] in the upper left is moved to the right. This causes the user’s profile to go down under the site name.
    And I don’t understand <div>.
    In fact, loged in users doesn’t need the [Site Name] of the top bar when the user logs in.
    So, is there any way to delete or hide the site name except admin user?

    my site is,
    [ redundant link removed ]

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by geront.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by geront.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    hi geront,
    it’s hard to give you answers without actually knowing what’s going on.

    Could you provide the exact CSS code you added to your project? Not the whole CSS file only the float thing.

    I can only check Sourcecode in the logged-out state. So if you could show me what the top bar HTML looks like if logged in that would be helpfull.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by mango404.
    Thread Starter geront


    Thank you so much mango404!
    I just added below..

    .quicklinks {
    float: right;

    And, this image shows logged in status.

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